Tord Gustavsen med Simin Tander – Kun få bill!
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- Lørdag 17. januar 2015
- 21.00
- 18 år. Dørene åpner kl 20.00
- 310/260
Året starter med premiere på en ny musikalsk konstellasjon bygd på dialog mellom eldgamle kilder og nyskrevet stoff. En kveld med sensuelle sufi-salmer på pashto, og med Tord Gustavsen i en ny rolle med litt mer elektronikk enn før. Dessuten med åpne partier der Jarle Vespestads erfaring fra impro-supergruppa Supersilent mer enn anes i helheten, men stadig med det melodiøse og lyriske som hovedfokus.
Tord møtte den afghansk-tyske vokalisten Simin Tander tidlig i 2014, og de har utviklet dette samarbeidet gjennom året – parallelt med Tords omfattende internasjonale turnevirksomhet i kvartettformat etter utgivelsen av albumet ‘Extended Circle’ januar 2014.
Simin og Tord har fått gjendiktet gamle norske salmetekster til pashto, som var morsmålet til Simins afghanske far. Dette er Tords standardlåter, som har vært med ham fra oppveksten i kirke og bedehus som en kraftkilde til stadig ny inspirasjon og nye tolkninger gjennom livets faser. I Simins versjoner får det kjente stoffet en mystisk dimensjon gjennom klangen i det vakre pashto-språket. Gjendiktningene utgjør også en politisk og teologisk kontroversiell handling, idet de re-orienterer innholdet i salmetekstene inn mot et mer felles-åndelig univers der impulser fra sufisme, tantra og kristen mystikk finner sammen i et rom som integrerer og utfordrer. Det handler om sammensmeltning, livskraft, tilstedeværelse, inderlighet og dyp glede. I tillegg til de norske salmetonene gjør de også noen originalkomposisjoner til sufi-poesi.
Simin Tander – vokal, Tord Gustavsen – piano, synther, elektronikk, Tore Brunborg – sax, Jarle Vespestad – trommer, Daniel Wold – lyddesign
Simin Tander (vocals) | Simin is one of the most amazing personalities in young European jazz. With her enchantingly tender and equally expressive, masterful voice Simin Tander builds bridges between occidental jazz and arabesque-like vocal flights, between song-writing experiment, chanson and intimate ballad. The German-Afghan singer draws a fascinating route to her Mid-Eastern heritage and back into contemporary jazz and solid songwriting. She has released two albums with her quartet, and contributed to a number of different collaborations. Simin has become a rising star of the Dutch and German jazz scene. Her performances at the North Sea Jazz Festival, the Bimhuis, the prestigious Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Berlin Jazzmeeting, Women In Jazz Fesitval/Halle, Jazzahead/Bremen and her concerts with Dutch Jazz star Eric Vloeimans have received rave reviews.
Tord Gustavsen (piano) | Pianist Tord Gustavsen has released six critically acclaimed albums on ECM Records with his trio and quartet. Before starting his solo career, Tord had already been an important part of the Norwegian jazz scene for several years. His playing has formed a cornerstone in projects featuring some of the finest Norwegian singers, including Kristin Asbjørnsen, Solveig Slettahjell and Silje Nergaard. The urge for authentic and original playing fuses with acutely attentive listening in creative interplay, making Tord a very special experience both as a soloist and as an ensemble player. His way of conversing jazz history with ‘Nordic’ reflective moods and lyrical beauty brings about an intriguing voice on today’s music scene. Tord Gustavsen has been touring world-wide with his projects the last ten years, playing at major festivals and concert halls in Australia, USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Japan, Korea, and the Scandinavian countries. He has received numerous awards including the Norwegian Grammy (Spellemannsprisen), CHOC critical awards (France), Bell Award for best international Jazz Album (Australia), Recording of the Month in Stereophile Magazine (USA), and NOPAs Musikkpris for best jazz composition in 2010.
Tore Brunborg (saxophones) | Tore’s approach to music is quite unique in the world of saxophonists, taking Jan Garbarek’s innovations in European jazz to new levels throughout his career since the early 80’s. Tore has a strong lyrical ‘voice’ on his instrument, bridging Scandinavian folk music influences with jazz traditions in a very special way. He is the perfect complement to Tord’s melodic playing, and their interplay has gone far beyond the normal roles of ‘soloist’ and accompaniment . Tore’s experience as a band leader and ensemble musician covers a wide range of the most important European jazz musicians over several decades, with the legendary Norwegian group Masqualero as a starting point in the 1980’s. He has played with Jon Christensen, Arild Andersen, Jon Balke, Nils Petter Molvær, Bugge Wesseltoft, Anders Jormin, Manu Katché to name a few – and he also currently leads his own quartet.
Jarle Vespestad (drums) | The kind of sublime minimalism Jarle stands for has very few if any parallels in the world of drummers, and still he is also really groovy in his own way. His lyrical emphasis; and the highly responsive interplay developed between Tord and himself over the years; are essential elements of the band’s musical texture. Jarle also plays with key Scandinavian bands Farmers Market and InterStatic, and was a member of the groundbreaking Supersilent up until 2008.